
Take Action Today – If Not Now Then When?

take action

Take Action Today! – The Time I got smacked in the face with my own advice.

I’m writing from the plane, headphones in, “seat dancing” to Post Malone’s new album. I’m on my way home from Boston where I attended a marketing conference called INBOUND.

I learned the latest hacks in the marketing world but also went to training revolved around scaling businesses, becoming more effective at managing teams and of course you know I snuck in some personal development. (Cuz I’m totally a junkie.) 

I’m always excited to learn new tips and techniques but more importantly, I love to network. 

I met so many female CEO’s in the four days I was there. OK, I met some dudes too, but it’s so refreshing to meet women who broke through the packs to rise up as a successful entrepreneur. I met women from all over the world, Jerusalem, Australia, England, and even Ohio. 🙂  

We had so much to talk about, ideas to exchange and opinions to share. How refreshing is to be in a room full of powerful women. I decided I needed to start a “powerful women collective” so we can all find each other outside of conferences. (Let me know in the comments if you’d be interested in joining the movement!)

We talked about podcasts, books, businesses, and brands because that’s what we were all working on.

I am super excited to be in the works of launching my podcast called Money, Mindset, Marketing.

I’ll be interviewing entrepreneurs on how they pushed through limiting beliefs and used mindset hacks to launch businesses, brands, and start-ups.  And of course, I’ll be slamming down some knowledge of my own on the podcast. Any topic requests? (Comment below and let me know!!) 

I believe most of us know what to do to get started in business but get stuck somewhere along the way. It could be in the beginning, when you’re just trying to figure out what kind of business to even start or 5 years in when you’re trying to scale. 

We get the training, take the courses, set up the websites, develop the products or create the brand.

We know what tactics we should implement but there is always a point when you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling. Maybe it’s the first year or it could be the tenth. 

I know that modeling and studying what other successful people have done can be the key to getting the education and inspiration to carve a new path for your brand or business. How many times have you heard how someone overcame challenges and at that moment, through their story, you realized how to overcome your own? 

“So Laura, where’s that book you said you were writing?” 

While I’m super excited about launching the podcast and continuing to grow our marketing agency, I haven’t given up on writing my book. (I have 16 chapters as of right now!)

A funny thing happened at the end of a training session at INBOUND, I turned to my right and ended up having a great conversation about my book with a literary agent!!! 

“What is happening?” I thought while trying not to freak out. She helped me nail down my structure and agreed my plans and concept would be great and said she’d like to talk to me further about it. 

We swapped cards and talked about working together. I know how hard it is to get a literary agent if you’re not famous. How serendipitous is it to meet an agent interested in talking about my book with me? 

“Not at all,” says Life, “All in the plan, I got this.”

[ctt_hbox link=”e4Z5U” via=”no” ]Universal laws always line you up with the right people, places, and circumstances if you are focused on what you want, not how YOU are going to MAKE it happen.[/ctt_hbox]

Then the next day, I met someone who smacked me around for not applying to speak at conferences after he realized I wasn’t booking myself. I said, “I didn’t know how.” He said, “Have you ever heard of Google?” (insert rolling eyes)

Woah, dude, OK I get it. I felt like I was talking to myself, being so direct and to the point. #noexcuses

“Dang.” I thought, is Life trying to tell me something? 

What am I waiting around for? 

Who better to find the right speaking engagements for me, than me? Is someone else going to write a book for me? Maybe I’m waiting to have my perfect speech written to get booked. I could be “speaking at conferences all over the world,” he said, “if I wanted to,” but I need to TAKE ACTION. 


I can make all kinds of excuses for why I’m too busy to take control of my future but Netflix sure is getting in the way of my dreams. (And a glass of wine might be too.) Of course, I can blame it on all my businesses and jobs and kids and everything else but you know what?

We do what is important to us.

My friend told me he is writing a book as well but hasn’t touched it in a year. Guess what he said?

“I’m too busy.” 

I told him the exact thing I needed to tell myself. “You would be writing it if it was important. So in essence, you’re pretending to be a writer one day because you do have time. It’s just not a priority.”

As I was talking to him, I realized I was talking to myself. Turn that finger around and point it at yourself, Laura. Geez.

What are you pretending to be one day?

Why not start today? Why not now or are you telling yourself that you’re too busy? 

What’s the excuse that you are letting get in the way of becoming everything you want to be?

Man, life flies by. We do what’s important to us. Do the big things. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Do the big things FIRST.

Priorities, right? We get to decide. We get to plan them. Schedule them…or not.

The choice is yours (and mine.)

Hey, I’m on Google right now figuring out where I can speak next. 

How about you? What’s next? I can’t wait to hear about it in the comments below.

All my love,


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Vous les avez bien sûr vus à l’épicerie
Cela se connecte à un autre problème important

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